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a few other odd things

Cat Care.

Getting old is hard. Just ask my cat. She’s about 85 in human years. Certainly a delicate age but not an extreme one. I love her dearly but dealing with her healthcare is challenging. We tend to want for our pets what we want for ourselves. Dignity and comfort are a priority. I want to live vigorously, with minimal intervention… Read More »Cat Care.

What to do with an old deck?

The deck, essential of a relaxed summer life. Although there’s no obvious architectural era for this elevation of outdoor enjoyment, the current North American passion for decks is likely related to the ‘backyard culture’ that developed with the rise of the suburban housing developments after the second world war.1 In Canada, there may also be a tie to ‘cottage culture’ –… Read More »What to do with an old deck?

Building Doors.

Why? To match the style of the Arts&Craft house, in design and quality. Yes, doors are available at the DIY stores. But, the quality of these products isn’t a good match for the era: Doors made from solid wood are more adaptable, and feel more solid. I’ve been watching for a couple years, at resellers like the ReStore, which is… Read More »Building Doors.

Summer Love

Summer rocks because: My gut wants to know why we don’t live where it is summer all the time, since it is so enjoyable. But looking at my list, many of the joys come from the evolution of the seasons. Summer is incredible because of all that leads up to it (spring), the aftermath of summers exuberance (early fall) and… Read More »Summer Love

Powder Room Reno. Part 2: Crown molding and Weird Angles.

As I continue to redo the powder room in my Arts&Craft era house, I’m correcting a few DI-Don’ts:  1. Aside from picture rail being more of a thing for the era of the house (Part 1), there was crown molding installed in this room in an unusual way. Granted, this was a challenging room for trim, as within the small… Read More »Powder Room Reno. Part 2: Crown molding and Weird Angles.

Powder Room Reno. Part 1: Adding Picture rails.

To redo the main floor powder room, I’m working towards a sympathetic style to the era (1920’s Arts & Craft, with a bit of borrowing from Art Deco, because it’s so cool). The changes are mostly decorative but the project includes improving the quality of the finishes. Since the house didn’t originally have a main floor powder room, I got… Read More »Powder Room Reno. Part 1: Adding Picture rails.

How Does this Retirement Thing Work?

Friends have done it. Targeted ads suggest it. Financial advisors all but salivate at the mere mention. There’s a government website, with a calculator. Retirement. Or maybe colonoscopy, if you leave out most financial advisors.  Being of a certain age, the topic comes up. Actually, it’s been looming over my head since I had a stable income (or so a… Read More »How Does this Retirement Thing Work?