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a few other odd things

The Joy of Cycling

Time for another drunk-on-summer rant about how much I enjoy the season. No cocktails are involved in achieving this state. I’m so fond of the heat and sun and going barefoot and fresh vegetables that I naturally trend to euphoria in July and August. Admittedly, an icy cold beer is extra delicious at this time of year. In 2024, I’m… Read More »The Joy of Cycling

Part 4: Front hall reno.

Part 4, the final step, in the reno-storation of the front hall of my 1927 Arts & Craft bungalow is to add trim, including: The Baseboards. This likely looks like amateur hour but then, I’ve never pretended to be a pro. There are three slightly different floor heights in the hall, which makes baseboards tricky. It seems to me the pro… Read More »Part 4: Front hall reno.

Part 3: Front Hall Reno.

Part 3 of reno-storing the front hallway of my 1927 Arts&Craft bungalow is about refinishing the floor. Part 1 covered the walls and ceiling, and part 2 was planning what to do with the floor. The relatively large entry hall, for a 1400 sq ft house, is 23 ft long and mostly 8 ft wide except where it’s 3ft wide.… Read More »Part 3: Front Hall Reno.

Entry Hall Reno. Part 2

The saga continues of renovating the front entryway of my 1927 Arts & Craft bungalow, aiming for the best reproduction of the original era possible. Following Part 1 – walls and ceiling, Part 2 is the floor plan, err, the plan for the floor. The existing floor (layers visible at the top of the stairs from the basement) consisted of, from… Read More »Entry Hall Reno. Part 2

Entry Hall Reno. Part 1

I got tired of looking at the hole in the closet ceiling. The next reno/restoration project is the entry hall on the main floor. The winter blahs also played a role, as there’s a good sized, south-facing window in this area that gets fabulous morning sun. This lead to wanting to arrange the furniture to make a sitting area, which… Read More »Entry Hall Reno. Part 1