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Re-understanding AI chatBOTs.

Thanks to an astute colleague1, I have a new understanding of chatGPT and its chatBOT, natural language generative relatives (sisters by different parents). This AI stuff isn’t as smart as I thought.  I was under the impression that chatGPT produced answers to queries based on being able to eloquently parse information from a bucket of sources. It’s advantage was the… Read More »Re-understanding AI chatBOTs.

AI that Writes like Us. Regulated.

From the buzz over the past month, it seems the natural language information AI, chatGPT, and its bretheren artificial intelligence thingies, will write all student essays, assignments, literary art, songs, marketing materials, letters to editors etc. in the future. Maybe.  My next step in the understanding this brave new technology was reading the terms and conditions of use1 from OpenAI, creator… Read More »AI that Writes like Us. Regulated.

Details. Craft details.

The spirit of the Arts and Crafts movement – the style of my current reno project – is high quality craft in building and finishing. Perhaps that is why I find the poor quality of many of the ‘improvements’ done in my house so frustrating. But frustrating in a good way, because when I fix them, I feel I’ve done… Read More »Details. Craft details.

Maybe Beer isn’t so Complicated.

Having neatly divided the beer industry into two customer segments (beer drinkers and beer connoisseurs), my model has eroded. The more I think (or maybe drink), it seems like this model may be too simplistic for the current situation. The last post contemplated the way the beer product is changing. This included: Now I’m trying to get my head around… Read More »Maybe Beer isn’t so Complicated.

If an AI Wrote my Christmas Letter…

ChatGPT is all the rage right now. An artificial intelligence that combines the functions of Google/Siri/anything that searches the net for information and a contract writer, such as one you might hire on Fiverr to create a poem/essay/ode to the sugary drink you are currently addicted to.  The likes of chatGPT may soon answer our emails, write documents and create… Read More »If an AI Wrote my Christmas Letter…

Baseboards, like 100 Years Ago.

I’ve written about the extra challenge replacing painted window and door casings1 with stained wood. The miracle of caulking is a perfect finish, covering up minor variances in carpentry on painted wood. Working with stained wood doesn’t have this luxury. Every minor error shows like a gapping chasm into the hell of imperfect execution. Stained casings were hard. Baseboards even harder.… Read More »Baseboards, like 100 Years Ago.

Beer. It’s Complicated.

Having neatly divided the beer industry into two customer segments (beer drinkers and beer connoisseurs), I fear my model is eroding, based on recent observations. A business strategist might wonder where the Ontario beer industry is going. First, I’m going to tackle product changes. Recent changes: Single serving size is heading upwards. The ~500ml portion, aka tall cans, which bear… Read More »Beer. It’s Complicated.

Havin’ a Beer. It’s Complicated.

Something odd is going on in the beer industry in Ontario, or somewhere near me. Over the past few years, ok decades, craft beers and microbreweries have erupted in every abandoned warehouse, waterfront, log cabin, or vacation spot. All to the beer lover’s delight. Or to this beer lover’s dismay, because it’s confused a previously mature industry. What’s not to… Read More »Havin’ a Beer. It’s Complicated.

Recessions, eh?

The world, as it revolves on my phone in all the algorithmic splendour that various services slant for me, is petrified of an impending recession. In a moment of information-overload sobriety, I wonder WTF does that mean? Is it really: recession = economic downturn = collapse of life as we know it. More objectively, recessions are defined by decreased economic… Read More »Recessions, eh?