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The Joy of Cat Poo. Really.

Happily geeking-out about being able to put cat poo in the municipal compost. This could be enviro-, cat-lady-, or just-plain- weird. Whatever. My impact on the environment is lessened. Awesome. Although questions about costs and whether it’s really the best thing for the environment come to mind. The background: Household organic waste collection is about 15 years old where I… Read More »The Joy of Cat Poo. Really.

Medical Progress

I long for the simple days of medical care, when the doctor smiled and said “don’t worry, you’ll be fine in a few days”. Or, at the other end of the spectrum “put your affairs in order”. While this second option would be unwelcome, it is a definitive message. I’d prefer no dithering about, ordering endless tests and unpleasant invasions… Read More »Medical Progress

If an AI Wrote my Christmas Letter…

ChatGPT is all the rage right now. An artificial intelligence that combines the functions of Google/Siri/anything that searches the net for information and a contract writer, such as one you might hire on Fiverr to create a poem/essay/ode to the sugary drink you are currently addicted to.  The likes of chatGPT may soon answer our emails, write documents and create… Read More »If an AI Wrote my Christmas Letter…

Ruminations about Artificial Intelligence. Part 1: Humans are Smarter because we’re more Primitive

I liked the book ‘What to Think about Machines that Think’ immediately. Along with the jaunty title, it has a snappy structure – approximately 185 mini essays, brain bytes, by sage people about AIs (artificial intelligences). Each contribution is 3 or 4 pages long which is apparently how long a thought is when written down. The essayists responded to ‘What… Read More »Ruminations about Artificial Intelligence. Part 1: Humans are Smarter because we’re more Primitive

Squirrelly in the Backyard

In southern Ontario, squirrels are a fast-moving fixture. They have adapted nicely from whatever their original habitat was to living amongst humans, although this arrangement seems to work better for the squirrels than some humans. ‘Squirrelly’ means erratic behaviour. It should be upgraded to include annoying, destructive, nasty, invasive actions, with occasional cute frolicking. And respectful acknowledgement of hanging out,… Read More »Squirrelly in the Backyard

Competitive Advantage or Competitive Advantage? Business or Biology

As a scientist who specializes in business strategy, competitive advantage means two things to me: how to succeed in business and how biological species evolve. I’m enjoying the irony that the goal of capitalist pursuits might be mistaken for a fundamental, back-to-nature, biological process. We value nature with an instinctive appreciation that it sustains us. But that isn’t quite right.… Read More »Competitive Advantage or Competitive Advantage? Business or Biology

Do I Know What’s Good for my Cat?

Recent moves by various governments have declared dolphins, dogs, cats, chimpanzees, and even animals in general, sentient beings1. What does this mean – the definition of sentience is consciousness of sensory perceptions, but how does it specify the way animals should be treated? A declaration that animals are sentient, like humans, provokes visions of trying to get dolphins to vote… Read More »Do I Know What’s Good for my Cat?

The Evolution of Evil Scientists. Part 2: The Public Posts

This series began with my admiration of the Professor from Gilligan’s Island as an iconic scientist. My wonderment has long since evaporated into frustration because members of a profession I believe have noble motivations are frequently called into question. The two major factors I think are involved: the source of funding for scientific research (previous blog post), and the pressure… Read More »The Evolution of Evil Scientists. Part 2: The Public Posts