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Should Entrepreneurship be the Answer to Everything? part 3

After considering if entrepreneurship should do all the things it might to make life easier for people, and looking at some examples when great entrepreneurial ideas solved a problem but ultimately created more, I’m wondering if there is a third category of ‘things entrepreneurship shouldn’t do, even if it can’. This question was inspired by emerging products that don’t seem… Read More »Should Entrepreneurship be the Answer to Everything? part 3

Should Entrepreneurship be the answer to Everything, Part 2

Aside from the philosophical question of whether entrepreneurship should deliver on every human whim, there are also circumstances where it seemed to start out well and end badly. A genuine need was addressed, making people’s lives better, but downstream impacts cause new problems.  Entrepreneurship shouldn’t cause problems for entrepreneurship to solve1. When I say entrepreneurship, I mean the eco-system of unrelated creative… Read More »Should Entrepreneurship be the answer to Everything, Part 2

Should Entrepreneurship be the Answer to Everything? part 1

A lesson from the textbooks: Entrepreneurship can solve many problems. Creative, innovative approaches to meet unmet needs or solve unsolved problems should result in business success because people are provided with things they want and need. But people don’t always want what’s best for them. Think: donuts, lounging around, fossil fuels, alcoholic beverages, toxic relationships, too much social media, deep… Read More »Should Entrepreneurship be the Answer to Everything? part 1

A DIY Quickie.

After rambling on considerably about fixing the backyard deck, I have one final thing to add. For purely cosmetic reasons, I replaced the lattice that runs around the base of the deck.  Lattice is there for two reasons: 1. Practical: To keep critters from making their home under the deck, wherefrom they can cause damage to the house, deck, or… Read More »A DIY Quickie.

Are AI Chips Really an important Thing?

The onslaught of products with artificial intelligence has begun. With it, comes the clamour of offerings from businesses new and old. Some applications are free (eg. chatGPT), others embedded into old products to bring them new life (eg. Bing). A variety of solutions exist for businesses (e.g. from AWS) to create AI embedded or powered products. Other companies sell components… Read More »Are AI Chips Really an important Thing?

Cat Care.

Getting old is hard. Just ask my cat. She’s about 85 in human years. Certainly a delicate age but not an extreme one. I love her dearly but dealing with her healthcare is challenging. We tend to want for our pets what we want for ourselves. Dignity and comfort are a priority. I want to live vigorously, with minimal intervention… Read More »Cat Care.

What to do with an old deck?

The deck, essential of a relaxed summer life. Although there’s no obvious architectural era for this elevation of outdoor enjoyment, the current North American passion for decks is likely related to the ‘backyard culture’ that developed with the rise of the suburban housing developments after the second world war.1 In Canada, there may also be a tie to ‘cottage culture’ –… Read More »What to do with an old deck?