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Good Social Media Business

Recently, I’ve been enjoying Twitter, even though many disparaging things have been said about it, including on Twitter. What makes a viable social media business? Social media platforms have been around for a couple decades. Sensibly, the industry has fragmented into recognizable target audiences. LinkedIn stayed professional, Instagram remains visually oriented, Tiktok skyrocketed to infamy from its carefree teen audience.… Read More »Good Social Media Business

My AI Conspiracy Theory

DISCLAIMER: This post is silly fiction. I don’t believe it. Unless it turns out to be true.  Newer, smarter AI chat engine versions are emerging that are better, more accurate and natural, than the old ones of last December. What if the whole purpose of releasing a bunch of free AI-based chatbots to the public in 2022 was to convince… Read More »My AI Conspiracy Theory

How not to let Automated Systems deliver customer service.

This consumer is frothing mad and it’s the fault of bad AI. Or bad programming, which inevitably has AI on or about its person. I ordered something from another country that I couldn’t source at home. This was on a reputable platform but the delivery turned into an unfortunate sequence of events. My order was received, processed, and arrived in… Read More »How not to let Automated Systems deliver customer service.

More hallucinations about AI in 2033. (part 3)

I’ve been imagining what functions AI may play in 2033 based on observing the impacts of the internet and mobile phones. Previous hallucinations here. In the category, ‘didn’t know I needed it but sure is useful.’ Difficult to predict, because … didn’t know I needed it. Nevertheless, a few wild conjectures:  Augmented human vision. See like a dog, helicopter, or… Read More »More hallucinations about AI in 2033. (part 3)

Hallucinating the AI of 2033. (part 2)

Previously, I looked at the disruptive forces of the Internet and mobile phones to see how they changed life in a decade. The goal was to help me hallucinate1 how AI will impact our lives ten years from now.  It turned out that the ways that the Internet and mobile phones changed life were only so helpful to predict how life… Read More »Hallucinating the AI of 2033. (part 2)

How life changes after a decade of new tech.

The most fun thing I can think of to do with AI right now: imagine what life will look like in 2033 because of AI. If the robot overlords don’t delete my posts, I’ll come back and compare these predictions with the future’s reality.  Overall, my prediction is that life will be very different, without feeling very different. Humans will… Read More »How life changes after a decade of new tech.

What to do about every business, everywhere, and privacy?

It’s easy to raise alarms about the perils of any device with an iota of connectivity and its apps, and wonder what horrors of privacy invasion are possible. The hard part is to design happy endings between customers and data-collecting businesses. Current technology has the capacity, if so used, to invade everybody’s privacy. Possibly, a huge amount of information is… Read More »What to do about every business, everywhere, and privacy?

Seeds of Future Garden’s Past

Inspiration to get through the no longer chilling sub-zero temperatures, drudgery of wearing at least twice as many garments1 than in July, and brief, blinding glimpses of the sun as it slides below the horizon at 6:00 pm.: planning the garden, once the ground is no longer frozen and/or covered in snow/ice. Is it cheering to think of all the things… Read More »Seeds of Future Garden’s Past

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