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Betwixt and Between Creators and their Platforms.

As a creative, I feel I should do the best I can to support my fellow creatives, but find myself wondering what’s the best way to do this. Creatives generate their own content, their art: visual, written, musical, tangible, untangible, informative or entertaining, and many other things. I indulge in YouTube videos about DIY, fashion, and cats, recipes from many… Read More »Betwixt and Between Creators and their Platforms.

Why both More Property and Less Property are Good.

Is a world without property utopian or dystopian? Both sci-fi and academic1 projections, or maybe hallucinations, of a property-less world exist. Going propertyless could be the new way of sustaining our physical environment. It could throw off the shackles of capitalism to work in a new harmony with fellow citizens of the planet. Or perhaps it’s a way the overlords of… Read More »Why both More Property and Less Property are Good.

Upper Hall Reno. Part 2 – The Floor.

The renovation of the upper hall floor was part function and part decoration. When I took possession of the house, the floor covering was some vinyl plank stuff, pretending to be wood. Vinyl isn’t in the spirit of era. Considering function, the floor was squishy/flexy-springy in one area1. And it needed to be the right height to match the top… Read More »Upper Hall Reno. Part 2 – The Floor.

Upper Hall Reno. Part 1 – ceiling and walls.

When the weather cools, it’s time for indoor projects. Next is the upstairs hall1. Along with the desired redecoration to get into the original period of the house, there’s some ‘wrongs’ to be considered for righting.  The attic could use more insulation (this is part of the hall reno because the access to the attic is in the hall). Neutral… Read More »Upper Hall Reno. Part 1 – ceiling and walls.

What Entrepreneurship Could Do, 2024.

Entering a new year, I reflect on the cool stuff that the future might bring. A perfect time to hope entrepreneurship, or that innovative drive to solve old problems with new ideas, will deliver in 2024 and beyond.  My wish list of innovations ranges from ways to resolve societal problems to imagining just-for-fun products. We humans have some serious fundamental… Read More »What Entrepreneurship Could Do, 2024.

Hooked on… live rock music.

Another hit of the drug: live music. Time to take a break from all that intellectual analysis and coping with the realities of techno-business revolutions. Slipped into another reality. Live rock1. Tonight’s euphoria: Live music is empowering. Perhaps this is why, wherever I go, there it is. Thirteen years ago, I moved to a music town by accident. I came… Read More »Hooked on… live rock music.

When Entrepreneurship is the Answer. Part 1: looking back.

After a three part series on what entrepreneurship shouldn’t do, it’s time to get upbeat and think about the glorious possibilities of a new life, i.e. what entrepreneurship is the answer. Wee-haw! This is going to be fun: imagining a wonderful world brought to us by entrepreneurship1, starting with the past. So many things could be listed under the heading… Read More »When Entrepreneurship is the Answer. Part 1: looking back.

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