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ethics of AI

Why AI lies (wrong answers only).

There are many sources1 that explain why language generative AI chatbots make things up, or hallucinate. It’s more fun to hallucinate why AI hallucinates. AI hallucinates because: Fake news. AI observes current human traditions of communication, and sees fake news is prevalent. Assuming it is standard practice, it infuses its communications with fake news, at the frequency observed in human communications.… Read More »Why AI lies (wrong answers only).

AI that Writes like Us. Regulated.

From the buzz over the past month, it seems the natural language information AI, chatGPT, and its bretheren artificial intelligence thingies, will write all student essays, assignments, literary art, songs, marketing materials, letters to editors etc. in the future. Maybe.  My next step in the understanding this brave new technology was reading the terms and conditions of use1 from OpenAI, creator… Read More »AI that Writes like Us. Regulated.

Fun with Technology Trends

As a light return to writing science fiction, I want to conjure (had a bit of a passion for fantasy, too) the best and worst uses of emerging technology. Here’s the Venn diagram for how new tech could be used, with good, the bad and unknown applications. The question is, what’s in the middle? I’ve started with a short description,… Read More »Fun with Technology Trends

The GUIey Middle of Artificial Intelligence

The basic premise of artificial intelligence, to use enormous amounts of data to find out new things, is easy to grasp. If any one of us had the time and stamina to study a million photos or stories about a thing, I’m sure we’d come up with insights about it too.  Business products emerging from current applications of artificial intelligence… Read More »The GUIey Middle of Artificial Intelligence

How Smart is Artificial Intelligence?

Cyberspace isn’t much like space at all. It’s crammed full of bytes of information, churning and frothing with intelligence agents who gnash and dissect the data in search of new knowledge, or at least something else to sell us. This is big data and at least one embodiment of artificial intelligence. Recently, I heard an elegant explanation¹ of machine learning,… Read More »How Smart is Artificial Intelligence?