a few other odd things
What do rock music, home renovations, and healthy living1 have to do with emerging technology, entrepreneurship and each other? F@c%2 if I know.
But here I am, loving all of those things. Thinking about them, sometimes all at once. Wanting to share my thoughts and experiences, in case they amuse you, resonate with you, comfort you, or whatever.
I settled on these topics because they’ve proved the test of time for me. One of the advantages of being old is that you can look back and see what you’ve clung to as the current of time has swept your life downstream. When you’ve been into something for 50 years, I guess it’s important. To you.
Music always figured prominently in my life. This is the theme in rock posts, as my groupie self journeys though 5 decades, glorying in the various genres of music that have come and gone and stayed. But sashaying deeper, I wonder why music is so important to us humans. And then totally dissolve into shivering mass of gyrating, screaming adoration of the band, at the appropriate times.
Perhaps the segue into lifestyle is a practical one. Surviving a rock and roll lifestyle requires stamina and just plain surviving. Even looking around the world wide web, there is precious little good said about getting old. It’s generally a depressing topic, filled with making the best of bad situations, compromising and planning to be incapacitated and not anywhere near as fun as diving into life in your 20’s. To this , I say (something that involves sticking your middle finger in the air). I’m willing to share my recipe for living wild and free as long as possible.
DIY and home renovations – not sure how they relate to music, except that there is truth in both. Music tells us stories about human nature. Old homes tell us stories about where we humans have been. Home renovation for me is about preserving the past, celebrating what has been and keeping it intact for future generations. So, I strive to preserve them. There’s an interconnectedness with lifestyle here too. The D in DIY is doing. Doing DIY keeps me fit, fit so I can enjoy rockin’ good music.
Party on, y’all. It all rocks.
1This shouldn’t conjure up images of strict regiments of eating or exercise. Where I’m coming from is the taking my best shot to live to 140 years old. And have fun. That’s were the rock music comes in.
2Noticed how the dubbing on many songs on the radio take out so few sounded from the F-bomb that your brain fills them so you hear the full word? Same goes for writing, I think.