Blog posts –
observations and analysis
Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue.
ritual for happy new beginnings.
The website is dead. Long live the website.
My old website drifted into cyber-tumbleweeds of no fixed URL. It was time. Time to refresh the look, the topics, and the tone.
Perhaps to your left, or at the bottom of the page (depends if you came here via mobile, tablet or desktop), you will find a list of blog posts, with the option to slice and dice topics as you choose.
A really cool thing about recreating my website is the ability to curate the past tenish years of content. I’ve had fun sorting through all that was before. Here, in my new cyber-reality, I am going to post new things related to what I see and think about the world, as well as the best (IMHO) of my past ramblings.
I may be creating an artificial history, but why not? This is the concept of curation. Picking the best. Or the most suitable. Or amusing.
K. I will post is a mix of something old and something new. Old posts, as selected by me for what I see as the craft in writing, the ongoing relevancy or the amusement potential of ‘really, we thought this back then?…’ New posts. My ongoing observations about what I see in the world. Old and new, labelled as such.
Something borrowed is that from a few years back. Something blue, because I can get a little negative, especially when technology is annoying me, sometimes.
Read on, if it pleases you.